
antibodies to west nile virus in asymptomatic mammals, birds, and reptiles in the yucatan peninsula of mexico.surveillance for evidence of west nile virus (wnv) infection in taxonomically diverse vertebrates was conducted in the yucatan peninsula of mexico in 2003 and 2004. sera from 144 horses on cozumel island, quintana roo state, 415 vertebrates (257 birds, 52 mammals, and 106 reptiles) belonging to 61 species from the merida zoo, yucatan state, and 7 farmed crocodiles in ciudad del carmen, campeche state were assayed for antibodies to flaviviruses. ninety (62%) horses on cozumel island had epitope-b ...200616687701
antibodies to west nile virus in wild and farmed crocodiles in southeastern mexico.surveillance for evidence of west nile virus (wnv) infection in morelet's crocodiles (crocodylus moreletii) was conducted in campeche state, mexico, in 2007. sera from 62 crocodiles (32 free-ranging and 30 captive) were assayed for antibodies to wnv by epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. antibodies to wnv were detected in 13 (41%) wild and nine (30%) captive crocodiles, and the overall antibody prevalence was 35%. although evidence of wnv infection in captive crocodiles has been ...023778623
potential sympatric vectors and mammalian hosts of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus in southern mexico.arboviruses are important zoonotic agents with complex transmission cycles and are not well understood because they may involve many vectors and hosts. we studied sympatric wild mammals and hematophagous mosquitoes having the potential to act as hosts and vectors in two areas of southern mexico. mosquitoes, bats, and rodents were captured in calakmul (campeche) and montes azules (chiapas), between november 2010 and august 2011. spleen samples from 146 bats and 14 rodents were tested for molecula ...201728384059
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