
seroepidemiological study of infection with west nile virus in karachi, pakistan, in 1983 and 1985.the prevalence of west nile (wn) virus infection in karachi, pakistan, was unknown until 1982. it had been noticed that there were more than a few patients with encephalitides in karachi, and it was supposed that japanese encephalitis (je) cases would be found among them. therefore, a seroepidemiological study was conducted to define the prevalence of wn virus infection and the possible occurrence of je virus infection in the karachi area. prevalences of haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and neu ...19882849632
dependence on the birth season of the antibody level against west nile virus in the pakistani population.variation of antibody level against west nile (wn) virus depending on the season of birth was followed among 151 paired serum samples of healthy pakistani persons in karachi, collected twice in july and october, 1985. the persons born during the months between february and june had lower positive antibody rate and lower responsiveness in haemagglutination inhibition and neutralizing tests against wn virus than those born during the other months. this phenomenon implies that the ability to produc ...19882899960
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