
low usutu virus seroprevalence in four zoological gardens in central europe.usutu virus (usuv), a mosquito-borne flavivirus of the japanese encephalitis virus antigenic group, caused bird die-offs in austria, hungary and switzerland between 2001 and 2009. while the zoological gardens of vienna and zurich recorded usuv-associated mortality in different species of birds during this period, incidences in budapest were limited to areas outside the zoo, and in the greater basel area avian mortality due to usuv infection was not observed at all. the objectives of this investi ...201323919825
emergence of usutu virus in 2001, usutu virus (usuv), a mosquito-borne flavivirus of the japanese encephalitis virus serogroup related to west nile virus and previously restricted to sub-saharan africa, emerged in wild and zoo birds in and around vienna, austria. in order to monitor the spread of the infection, a dead bird surveillance program was established in austria and in neighboring hungary. in hungary, 332 dead birds belonging to 52 species were tested for usuv infection between 2003 and 2006. in the first 2 year ...200717913929
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