microbial impact of canada geese (branta canadensis) and whistling swans (cygnus columbianus columbianus) on aquatic ecosystems. | quantitative and qualitative analyses of the intestinal bacterial flora of canada geese and whistling swans were carried out with the finding that wild birds harbor significantly more fecal coliforms than fecal streptococci. the reverse was typical of captive and fasting birds. neither salmonella spp. nor shigella spp. were isolated from 44 migratory waterfowl that were wintering in the chesapeake bay region. enteropathogenic escherichia coli were detected in seven birds. geese eliminated 10(7) ... | 1979 | 104659 |
distribution and significance of fecal indicator organisms in the upper chesapeake bay. | total viable aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci were enumerated in samples collected at five stations located in the upper chesapeake bay, december 1973 through december 1974. significant levels of pollution indicator organisms were detected at all of the stations sampled. highest counts were observed in samples collected at the confluence of the susquehanna river and the chesapeake bay. the indicator organisms examined were observed to be q ... | 1975 | 811167 |
seasonal occurrence and distribution of microbial indicators and pathogens in the rhode river of chesapeake bay. | the seasonal incidence and occurrence of indicator organisms and pathogens were studied at four sites in the rhode river, a subestuary of chesapeake bay. the highest frequency of occurrence of total and fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci was in muddy creek, a marsh area receiving pasture land runoff. second highest frequency of occurrence of these bacteria was in cadle creek, a populated area. lowest measurements of these parameters were obtained at stations in the central portion of the rho ... | 1975 | 812423 |
classification of bacteria from commercial egg washers and washed and unwashed eggs. | a total of 432 bacterial isolates from washed and unwashed eggs, egg-washer surfaces, and washwaters from five egg-grading plants in maryland and southeastern pennsylvania were classified. counts on equipment surfaces showed considerable variation from plant to plant, reflecting care used in cleaning. unwashed eggs had a higher percentage of gram-positive cocci (71%), and isolates included streptococcus faecalis, aerococcus, and escherichia coli, which were not isolated from equipment surfaces a ... | 1980 | 6893532 |
implications of multiple antimicrobial-resistant enterococci associated with the poultry environment. | poultry are increasingly being associated with carriage of multiresistant organisms that may cause disease in humans. among these organisms are the enterococci, not regarded as a common cause of hospital-acquired infections. the use of antimicrobials for growth promotion in poultry production envronments may facilitate the dissemination of resistance to enterococcus spp. that have the potential to be clinically significant. to assess descriptively the degree of multiresistant enterococci in the ... | 2001 | 11761123 |