the prevalence of cervical infection with human papillomaviruses and cervical dysplasia in alaska native women. | alaska native women historically have high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (stds) and invasive cervical cancer. their prevalence of cervical infections with human papillomavirus (hpv) in relation to cervical dysplasia was determined with a commercial dot hybridization test for seven hpv genotypes. type-specific hpv dna, similarly distributed between genotype groups 16/18 and 31/33/35, was detected in 234 cervical specimens (21%) from 1126 alaska native women seeking routine care and colpo ... | 1994 | 8133094 |
human papillomavirus type 16 dna in esophageal carcinomas from alaska natives. | the possible etiological role of human papillomavirus (hpv) in esophageal carcinogenesis was evaluated in alaska natives in whom the incidence of esophageal cancer is 1.3 and 3.8 times higher than in us caucasian men and women, respectively. fixed paraffin-embedded esophageal tissues from 32 cases of squamous-cell carcinoma (scc) and 3 cases of adenocarcinoma (ac) diagnosed between 1957 and 1988 were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and in situ hybridization for hpv dna sequences. det ... | 1997 | 9139846 |
cancer in 15- to 29-year-olds by primary site. | incidence: cancer occurring between the ages of 15 and 30 years is 2.7 times more common than cancer occurring during the first 15 years of life, yet is much less common than cancer in older age groups, and accounts for just 2% of all invasive cancer. cancer in adolescents and young adults is unique in the distribution of the types that occur. hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma, testis cancer, female genital tract malignancies, thyroid cancer, soft-tissue sarcomas, non-hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, brain ... | 2006 | 16794238 |
alaska native parental attitudes on cervical cancer, hpv and the hpv vaccine. | to describe alaska native parents' knowledge of and attitudes towards cervical cancer, the human papillomavirus (hpv) and the hpv vaccine. | 2008 | 19024805 |
sexual and reproductive health of persons aged 10-24 years - united states, 2002-2007. | this report presents data for 2002-2007 concerning the sexual and reproductive health of persons aged 10-24 years in the united states. data were compiled from the national vital statistics system and multiple surveys and surveillance systems that monitor sexual and reproductive health outcomes into a single reference report that makes this information more easily accessible to policy makers, researchers, and program providers who are working to improve the reproductive health of young persons i ... | 2009 | 19609250 |
update of hpv-associated female genital cancers in the united states, 1999-2004. | in 2008, cdc published a supplement to the journal cancer describing incidence patterns of human papillomavirus (hpv)-associated cancers prior to availability of an hpv vaccine. this report updates the information on hpv-associated female genital cancer incidence with more recent data, adds information on trends, and includes american indian/alaska native (ai/an) populations. we used combined data from two federal cancer surveillance programs, cdc's national program of cancer registries (npcr) a ... | 2009 | 19951205 |
procedural and temporal compliance to cervical cancer screening guidelines in a cdc-funded program in alaska. | to estimate changes in clinical practice in a cervical cancer screening program after the american society for colposcopy and cervical pathology's issuance of 2006 consensus guidelines (2006cg) for managing abnormal pap tests. | 2011 | 21169865 |
u.s. geographic distribution of prevaccine era cervical cancer screening, incidence, stage, and mortality. | cervical cancer prevention programs are being reconfigured to incorporate human papillomavirus (hpv) testing and vaccination. to define priority areas for prevention efforts, we examined the geographic distribution of cervical cancer screening, incidence, stage, and mortality in the united states, prior to the introduction of hpv-based prevention technologies. | 2011 | 21266522 |
alaska native adolescent views on cervical cancer, the human papillomavirus (hpv), genital warts and the quadrivalent hpv vaccine. | to understand the knowledge levels, attitudes and perceptions of alaska native adolescent girls about cervical cancer, hpv, genital warts and the hpv vaccine. | 2011 | 21703130 |
hpv genotypes detected in cervical cancers from alaska native women, 1980-2007. | human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine prevents cervical pre-cancers and cancers caused by hpv types 16 and 18. this study provides information on the hpv types detected in cervical cancers of alaska native (an) women. | 2013 | 23984281 |
regional differences in cervical cancer incidence among american indians and alaska natives, 1999-2004. | reports from limited geographic regions indicate higher rates of cervical cancer incidence in american indian and alaska native (ai/an) women than in women of other races. however, accurate determinations of cervical cancer incidence in ai/an women have been hampered by racial misclassification in central cancer registries. | 2008 | 18720379 |
comparison of human papillomavirus genotypes in archival cervical cancer specimens from alaska natives, greenland natives and danish caucasians. | archival, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cervical cancer specimens from 53 alaska natives, 32 greenland natives and 34 danish caucasians were analyzed for human papillomavirus (hpv) genotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 and 45 and unidentified genotypes (hpv x) using pcr. the specimens were from the time period 1980-1989. no significant differences were observed in the overall hpv detection rates among cases from alaska (98.1%), greenland (84.4%) and denmark (85.3%). hpv genotype 16 was the most preva ... | 2000 | 10742684 |
prevalence of high-risk hpv types and abnormal cervical cytology in american indian/alaska native women, 2003-2005. | objectives; we described prevalence estimates of high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-hpv), hpv types 16 and 18, and abnormal papanicolaou (pap) smear tests among american indian/alaska native (ai/an) women compared with women of other races/ethnicities. | 2011 | 21553660 |
human papillomavirus vaccination practices among providers in indian health service, tribal and urban indian healthcare facilities. | the human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine is of particular importance in american indian/alaska native women because of the higher rate of cervical cancer incidence compared to non-hispanic white women. to better understand hpv vaccine knowledge, attitudes, and practices among providers working with american indian/alaska native populations, we conducted a provider survey in indian health service, tribal and urban indian (i/t/u) facilities. | 2012 | 22309210 |
cancers with increasing incidence trends in the united states: 1999 through 2008. | despite declines in incidence rates for the most common cancers, the incidence of several cancers has increased in the past decade, including cancers of the pancreas, liver, thyroid, and kidney and melanoma of the skin, as well as esophageal adenocarcinoma and certain subsites of oropharyngeal cancer associated with human papillomavirus (hpv) infection. population-based incidence data compiled by the north american association of central cancer registries were used to examine trends in incidence ... | 2014 | 22281605 |