
multiple types of human papillomavirus in cervical samples in women in campo grande, ms, brazil.we analyzed 87 cervical samples from campo grande, mato grosso do sul, with a pgmy/gp+ nested pcr system. positive samples were typed using e7 type-specific primer pairs for hpv 6/11, 16, 18, 45 and 66. eighteen samples (22%) were infected with hpv6/11, 18 samples (22%) with hpv66, 13 samples (15.9%) with hpv45, 8 samples (9.8%) with hpv18 and 7 samples (8.5%) with hpv16. seventeen samples (20.7%) were infected by two hpv types, and five samples (6.1%) by three hpv types. we conclude that infect ...200617293916
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