
a five-year audit of anal cancer in wales.a retrospective audit has been undertaken of squamous (epidermoid) type of anal cancer diagnosed and treated in the principality of wales over a five-year period (1995-99) with follow-up until 2005. the referral pattern, distribution, presenting symptoms, predisposing conditions, clinical findings and staging modalities were documented. the surgical and oncological treatment together with their outcome was analysed.200616630228
human papillomavirus infection: an anonymous prevalence study in south wales, uk.the objective of this study was to describe human papillomavirus (hpv) prevalence in south wales in relation to age, cytology and social deprivation. this was an unlinked, prospective, anonymous, population-based study. dna was purified from 1911 liquid-based cytology samples (mean age 37.7 years, cytology 93.2% negative, social deprivation average score 17.9) using quality assured techniques and the presence of virus determined by pcr-enzyme immuno assay (pcr-eia). 209 (10.9%) samples contained ...200616819542
public awareness that hpv is a risk factor for cervical cancer.we assessed awareness of human papillomavirus (hpv) in a population sample of british women (n=1620) using similar questions to those in a survey in 2002. only 2.5% cited hpv as the cause of cervical cancer without prompting; up from 0.9% in 2002. public education about hpv is urgently needed.200717687335
human papillomavirus prevalence in women attending routine cervical screening in south wales, uk: a cross-sectional this cross-sectional population-based study we determine human papillomavirus (hpv) prevalence in south wales to provide comprehensive baseline data for future assessment of the impact of prophylactic hpv vaccination and to help inform future screening strategies. liquid-based cytology samples from women attending routine cervical screening were collected (n=10 000: mean age 38 years, 93% cytology negative, and 64.8% from the 50% least deprived lsoa according to social deprivation score (sds) ...200819034285
human papillomavirus negative but dyskaryotic cervical cytology: re-analysis of molecular testing.evaluation of molecular human papillomavirus (hpv) testing into uk cervical screening programmes is underway. in south wales the current hpv prevalence in women attending routine screening is 13.5% with 76.3% hr hpv positive in cases with reported dyskaryotic cervical cytology [hibbitts s, jones j, powell n, dallimore n, mcrea j, beer h, et al. human papillomavirus prevalence in women attending routine cervical screening in south wales, uk: a cross-sectional study. br j cancer 2008;99(december ( ...200919264544
estimating progression rates for human papillomavirus infection from epidemiological data.a markov model was constructed in order to estimate type-specific rates of cervical lesion progression and regression in women with high-risk human papillomavirus (hpv). the model was fitted to age- and type-specific data regarding the hpv dna and cytological status of women undergoing cervical screening in a recent screening trial, as well as cervical cancer incidence. it incorporates different assumptions about the way lesions regress, the accuracy of cytological screening, the specificity of ...201019525483
the potential impact of human papillomavirus vaccination in contemporary cytologically screened populations may be underestimated: an observational retrospective analysis of invasive cervical cancers.the aim of this study was to determine the proportion of invasive cervical cancers attributable to human papillomavirus (hpv) types 16 and 18 in a contemporary, cytologically well-screened uk population. this was achieved in a retrospective observational analysis by hpv typing 453 archival invasive cervical cancers diagnosed between january 1, 2000 and september 1, 2006. pathological material was collected from 9 hospitals across wales (uk), and hpv typing and pathology review was conducted at a ...200919585507
predicted impact of vaccination against human papillomavirus 16/18 on cancer incidence and cervical abnormalities in women aged 20-29 in the uk.human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccination has been approved in more than 90 countries and is being implemented in many of these. in the uk, vaccination for girls aged 12-13 with catch-up for girls up to age 18 was introduced in 2008, using the bivalent gsk vaccine (cervarix).201020104226
the risk of cervical cancer associated with specific types of human papillomavirus: a case-control study in a uk population.mounting evidence supports incorporation of hpv testing into cervical screening; however, the optimal test format and target population have yet to be confirmed. assessment of the potential benefits of type-specific testing requires estimation of the risk associated with infection with individual hpv types. however, the risk posed by individual hpv types may be population specific and influenced by cervical screening practice. the existing data on hpv type-specific risk is derived largely from u ...201120503274
prevalence of abnormalities influences cytologists' error rates in screening for cervical cancer.medical screening tasks are often difficult, visual searches with low target prevalence (low rates of disease). under laboratory conditions, when targets are rare, nonexpert searchers show decreases in false-positive results and increases in false-negative results compared with results when targets are common. this prevalence effect is not due to vigilance failures or target unfamiliarity.201122129183
prevalence, risk factors, and uptake of interventions for sexually transmitted infections in britain: findings from the national surveys of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (natsal).population-based estimates of prevalence, risk distribution, and intervention uptake inform delivery of control programmes for sexually transmitted infections (stis). we undertook the third national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (natsal-3) after implementation of national sexual health strategies, and describe the epidemiology of four stis in britain (england, scotland, and wales) and the uptake of interventions.201324286785
the costs of managing genital warts in the uk by devolved nation: england, scotland, wales and northern ireland.genital warts, 90% of which are caused by human papillomavirus types 6 and 11, are a significant problem in the uk. the cost of managing genital warts was previously estimated at £52.4 million for 2010. the objective of this study was to estimate the cost of genital warts management up to 2012 in the uk and by jurisdiction. population statistics and the number of reported genital warts cases in genito-urinary medicine clinics were obtained and extrapolated to 2012. cases of genital warts treated ...201625681263
cervical cancers associated with human papillomavirus types 16, 18 and 45 are diagnosed in younger women than cancers associated with other types: a cross-sectional observational study in wales and scotland (uk).most cervical cancers are attributable to infection with one of fourteen types of human papillomavirus (hpv), but hpv types differ in oncogenic potential. characterisation of cancers associated with specific hpv types is required to predict the likely impact of current prophylactic vaccines and the potential benefits of vaccine formulations including additional hpv types.201324051043
cervical screening in england and wales: an update.the national health service cervical screening programme (nhscsp) has played a major role in reducing the mortality from cervical cancer in england and wales. however, the current system has numerous shortcomings and it is likely that its success has reached a plateau. in light of this, significant changes have recently been made to the programme. these alterations, as well as further potential developments, are considered here.200415534446
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