
an epidemiological survey of female reproductive health status: gynecological complaints and sexually-transmitted epidemiological survey of gynecological and sexually-transmitted diseases was conducted in 4 villages of narmpong district, khon kaen, thailand. it was focused on the reproductive health status of rural women. a mobile gynecological clinic was set up to collect materials and data including demographic characteristics, physical examination and specimen collection. vaginal swabs were examined by microscope, gram staining, ph measurement, koh test and bacteriological cultivation. endocervical sw ...199910774697
lack of significant effects of chlamydia trachomatis infection on cervical cancer risk in a nested case-control study in north-east thailand.cervical cancer continues to be an important public health problem in thailand. while the high risk human papillomavirus (hpv) types have been established as the principle causative agent of both malignancies and the precursor lesions, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin), other factors may also be involved like other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as smoking. chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular gram-negative bacterium which has a tendency to cause chronic infection fe ...201424606489
knowledge, attitudes and practices vis-a-vis cervical cancer among registered nurses at the faculty of medicine, khon kaen university, thailand.cervical cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer among women in thailand and in almost all patients, human papillomavirus (hpv) has been found. various international studies indicate that the knowledge level vis-à-vis cervical cancer and hpv in the general population as well as healthcare professionals is low, but no such study has yet been done in thailand.200818439065
early experience of sexual intercourse--a risk factor for cervical cancer requiring specific intervention for teenagers.there is consensus that the main risk factor for cervical cancer development is persistent infection with high-risk group human papilloma viruses (hpvs), together with smoking, and reproductive history. since sexual behaviour determines exposure to hpvs and the adolescent period may be particularly important in this regard it is of interest to consider behavioural determinants of teenagers. in one survey conducted in khon kaen, thailand, some 62% percent of male and 19.3 % of female respondents ...200616629535
human papillomavirus and cervical cancer from a prospective study in khon kaen, northeast thailand.the risk of developing carcinoma of the cervix in women infected with human papillomavirus (hpv) was estimated in a nested case-control analysis of 33 cancers (invasive and in situ) and 113 controls, matched by age and sex, from an ongoing cohort study of lifestyle and cancer in a rural population of northeast thailand. oncogenic hpv types were present in 10.8% of control women and in 31/33 of the carcinoma cases, corresponding to an odds ratio of 130.6 (95% ci 11.7-1457.0). there was no signifi ...200616445643
cervical pathology in high-risk human papillomavirus- positive, cytologically normal women.this study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of significant cervical pathology among women who are high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-hpv)-positive/cytology negative, the most common combination of positive co-tests. the records of 244 women hr-hpv-positive/cytology-negative who had undergone colposcopy at srinagarind hospital, khon kaen university during january 2010 and april 2014 were reviewed. mean age was 46.4 years. of these 224 women, 75 were positive for hpv types 16/18 (33.5%) a ...201425292098
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