
focal, seasonal and behavioural patterns of infection and transmission of schistosoma haematobium in a farming village at the volta lake, ghana.integrated sampling for human prevalence, intensity, and incidence of schistosoma haematobium, as well as for human water contact and snail distribution and density was carried out in the volta lake farming village of agbenoxoe at various times between 1978 and 1980. nuclepore filters were used for determining egg output. snail sampling was by the man-time method. a new system of recording human water contact was introduced for the peculiar condition at agbenoxoe. results indicated significant f ...19873118054
trials of ecological and chemical measures for the control of schistosoma haematobium transmission in a volta lake village.urinary schistosomiasis is highly prevalent along the shores of the volta lake in ghana, where transmission occurs focally in man-water contact sites. the intermediate host, bulinus truncatus rohlfsi, prefers to harbour in ceratophyllum, a common aquatic weed in the lake. removal of this weed reduced the density of both infected and uninfected snails, but not sufficiently to interrupt transmission.niclosamide was applied at 1, 0.7, and 0.5 mg/l in combination with weed removal at five water cont ...1978307458
mapping helminth co-infection and co-intensity: geostatistical prediction in ghana.morbidity due to schistosoma haematobium and hookworm infections is marked in those with intense co-infections by these parasites. the development of a spatial predictive decision-support tool is crucial for targeting the delivery of integrated mass drug administration (mda) to those most in need. we investigated the co-distribution of s. haematobium and hookworm infection, plus the spatial overlap of infection intensity of both parasites, in ghana. the aim was to produce maps to assist the plan ...201121666800
epidemiology of human schistosoma haematobium infection around volta lake, ghana, 1973-75.there was a dramatic rise in the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis around volta lake within a year of its full impoundment in 1968. research was undertaken to investigate the epidemiology of the disease in preparation for a control programme. the interplay of three factors-age, sex, and ethnic affiliation-largely defined the demographic patterns of the prevalence and the intensity of infection. both of these increased in young children up to a peak at age 10-14 years, and then declined, the ...19826979420
importance of the aquatic weed ceratophyllum to transmission of schistosoma haematobium in the volta lake, ghana.results of 5 years of sampling for bulinus rohlfsi in human-water contact sites of villages along the volta lake, ghana, have confirmed that the aquatic macrophyte, ceratophyllum, is the most important ecological factor for sustaining high levels of cercarial transmission of schistosoma haematobium. data available so far indicate that growth of this weed largely determines the size of the snail populations. increasing density of ceratophyllum correlates with increasing levels of cercarial transm ...19806975187
predicting the impact of school-based treatment for urinary schistosomiasis given by the ghana partnership for child development.mathematical models can be used to predict the impact of interventions to control infectious diseases. in this paper, an epidemiological model is used to predict the impact of chemotherapy of school-age children infected with schistosoma haematobium, in a programme conducted by the ghana partnership for child development in the volta region, ghana. existing data were used to validate the predictions of the model, demonstrating convincingly the ability of the model to make correct predictions. pr ...19989850386
effect of praziquantel on hematuria and proteinuria in urinary five settlements on lake volta, ghana, 230 persons infected with s. haematobium were treated with either 30 or 40 mg/kg of praziquantel. both treatment regimes gave similar overall cure rates (60%) and reduction in geometric mean egg counts (92%) at a six-month follow-up. in this highly endemic area, 32% of the initial urine specimens were visibly bloody and only 4% remained bloody after treatment. geometric mean egg counts of visibly bloody urine specimens were two to six times higher than n ...19853938926
the health and nutritional status of schoolchildren in africa: evidence from school-based health programmes in ghana and tanzania. the partnership for child development.surveys of the health of schoolchildren in tanga region, tanzania and volta region, ghana are reported. two age groups of both sexes were studied: 8-9 and 12-13 years old. children themselves tend to have a poor perception of their health status. this is confirmed by biomedical surveys. evidence was common of chronic ill-health due to undernutrition, anaemia, parasitic infections and micronutrient deficiencies. the older age groups of both sexes were significantly more stunted (height-for-age z ...19989861390
inherited burden of disease: agricultural dams and the persistence of bloody urine (schistosomiasis hematobium) in the upper east region of ghana, 1959-1997.a major agricultural development project was commissioned to celebrate ghana's independence in 1957. in the upper region along the border with upper volta now named burkina faso, a total of 185 clay-core dams were constructed in 15 years to enhance village water supplies during the 6-month dry season. in a concentrated area of n.e. ghana (now the upper east region) no fewer than 104 dams were erected in only 3 years. the beneficial impacts of the dams are indisputable, and life today would be un ...200312473309
preliminary schistosomiasis survey in the lower volta river below akosombo dam, ghana.snail surveys were carried out in kpong lake, in southern ghana, and along the lower volta river below the lake. bulinus globosus and biomphalaria pfeifferi were abundant in the kpong lake and b. truncatus and biom . pfeifferi, especially the latter, were widespread below the lake. urine surveys among primary school children at eight localities along the lower volta showed schistosoma haematobium prevalence rates of 38.8-96.2%. at bator and mepe , where records for an earlier survey were availab ...19846742926
relation between intensity of schistosoma haematobium infection and clinical haematuria and an endemic area on lake volta, ghana, urinary blood and protein levels as determined by chemical reagent strips in persons infected with schistosoma haematobium, particularly in children aged between 5 and 14, correlated positively with urinary egg counts. geometric mean s haematobium egg counts were 10 or more times higher in urine specimens with at least 10 mg/dl of protein and detectable haematuria than in those without detectable blood or protein. chemical reagent strips were both specifi ...19836133057
transmission dynamics of miracidia of schistosoma haematobium in the volta lake.schistosoma haematobium miracidia were detected in sentinel snails placed in 16 human water contact sites in the volta lake, each month from march 1973 to november 1977. results showed that rates of infection were seasonal, and that infected snails were more often found in water contact sites sheltered by emergent plant growth than in exposed open beach sites with no emergent vegetation. sentinel snail infection rates were correlated with natural snail infection rates and with epidemiological le ...19816976225
[bladder schistosomiasis in school children; random study in the ketu district, ghana].in 2 periods 1986/'87 and 1987/'88 1193 school children (5-19 years) from 13 randomly selected villages in the ketu district, ghana, were examined for schistosoma haematobium (sh) in the urine. for the egg count the quantitative urine filtration technique was used and besides 3 indirect indicators of sh infection were evaluated. an arbitrary division was made into areas of high and low endemicity, showing sh prevalence rates of 54.3-23.0% and 2.3-16.0%, respectively. the condition of the "dams' ...19892513491
results of three years of cercarial transmission control in the volta lake.after three years of cercarial transmission control using focal application of niclosamide and weed removal in water contact sites (wcss) in the project area of the volta lake, the numbers of wcss infested with cercariae and infected snails were reduced by over 90% in areas of both high and low endemicity. this, combined with selective population chemotherapy, reduced the prevalence of schistosoma haematobium infection by 72% in the area of low endemicity and 40% in the area of high endemicity. ...19816976224
water-contact patterns in relation to schistosoma haematobium infection.water-contact observations were carried out on a population exposed to schistosoma haematobium in a village situated on a man-made lake, lake volta, ghana.the observations were made over a period of 12 months prior to the introduction of control measures. a multiple regression analysis was performed on the results of observations on 132 individuals, with egg output as the dependent variable and various types of water-contact activity, as well as age and sex, as independent variables. in the anal ...1978308406
mixing of schistosoma haematobium strains in ghana, schistosoma haematobium exists as two strains, one transmitted by bulinus rohlfsi and the other by b. globosus. in anyaboni, a resettlement town, where the field station of the undp/who schistosomiasis research and control project is located, the residents contract the "rohlfsi" strain of the parasite from the volta lake and the "globosus" strain from a stream near the town. the present studies indicate that there is mixing of the two parasite strains on a community and an individual b ...1978310361
ecological studies of bulinus rohlfsi, the intermediate host of schistosoma haematobium in the volta the present ecological study of cercarial transmission of schistosoma haematobium in the volta lake, ghana, habitat observations and sampling of bulinus truncatus rohlfsi were conducted within a 60-km stretch of shoreline. observations revealed that human water contact sites in each village undergo constant changes in shape and vegetation. snail sampling surveys in water contact sites were carried out monthly (for 27 months) in 8 villages using newly designed palm-leaf traps, and in 8 additio ...1977304396
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