
schistosomiasis status in urban sharkia governorate, egypt: prevalence and intensity of infection.the study was implemented in sharkia governorate, to determine the magnitude of schistosomiasis in urban areas. a multistage sampling technique was the method chosen to carry out the study. according to the population size, the urban areas of sharkia governorate were classified into two strata: small sized cities and large sized cities. two cities were selected randomly from each stratum. among the 5012 individuals selected from the four cities, 3524 and 3457 individuals gave urine and stool spe ...19968918046
biological studies on the snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis with a special emphasis on using larval echinostomes as biocontrol agent against larval schistosomes and snails.the present investigation deals with the infectivity of the two snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis, biomphalaria alexandrina and bulinus truncatus collected from nine drains in sharkia governorate, egypt. the rate of infection among the snails was general low being 0% in many drains. regarding b. alexandrina, the rate of infection ranged from 4-16%, and in b. truncatus ranged from 4-8%. infection with larval echinostomes was dominant over larval schistosomes in the two snail vectors. th ...200212512810
a contemporary survey on schistosomiasis in zagazig region, sharkia governorate, egypt. 19827153566
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