
impact of the crayfish procambarus clarkii on schistosoma haematobium transmission in kenya.the louisiana red swamp crayfish, procambarus clarkii, which was introduced into east africa in the 1950s or 1960s, has since widely dispersed. previous work by our group has shown that p. clarkii can reduce populations of the molluscan intermediate hosts of human schistosomes through predatory and competitive interactions. here, we investigate whether crayfish can reduce populations of bulinus africanus and consequently, schistosoma haematobium prevalence in school children. children from 6 pri ...199910586907
prevalence of schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma haematobium in kitui district, kenya. 1978668604
anaemia and schistosoma haematobium infection in the north-eastern province of kenya.the haemoglobin levels of 787 somali people in north-eastern kenya were measured. severe anaemia was very common in both sexes of all ages. possible causative factors are discussed. adolescent boys had particularly low haemoglobin values (in one area 43% had levels below 8 g/dl) and this was related to schistosoma haematobium infection. such a clear relationshiop has not been shown before.1978635981
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