
the comparative host status of red veld rats (aethomys chrysophilus) and bushveld gerbils (tatera leucogaster) for epifaunal arthropods in the southern kruger national park, south veld rats (aethomys chrysophilus) and bushveld gerbils (tatera leucogaster) were trapped at monthly intervals, when possible, over a 2-year period, in the southern kruger national park, mpumalanga province. forty-six specimens of each species were caught, euthenased and microscopically examined for fleas, lice, ticks and mites. clear differences existed between the two rodent hosts in infestation intensity and also parasite species. the flea, xenopsylla brasiliensis, commonly and exclusively ...19968856764
small mammals as hosts of immature ixodid ticks.two hundred and twenty-five small mammals belonging to 16 species were examined for ticks in free state, mpumalanga and limpopo provinces, south africa, and 18 ixodid tick species, of which two could only be identified to genus level, were recovered. scrub hares, lepus saxatilis, and cape hares, lepus capensis, harboured the largest number of tick species. in free state province namaqua rock mice, aethomys namaquensis, and four-striped grass mice, rhabdomys pumilio, were good hosts of the immatu ...200516300195
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