
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xl. ticks on dogs belonging to people in rural communities and carnivore ticks on the vegetation.ixodid ticks were collected at weekly intervals from february 1999 to april 2000 from domestic dogs belonging to people in rural communities in north-eastern kwazulu-natal. seven ticks were identified to species level and adult haemaphysalis leachi followed by immature amblyomma hebraeum and adult rhipicephalus simus were the most prevalent. infestation with adult h. leachi was most intense during february and march 1999 and from january to april 2000, and least intense during october 1999. infe ...200111585091
small mammals as hosts of immature ixodid ticks.two hundred and twenty-five small mammals belonging to 16 species were examined for ticks in free state, mpumalanga and limpopo provinces, south africa, and 18 ixodid tick species, of which two could only be identified to genus level, were recovered. scrub hares, lepus saxatilis, and cape hares, lepus capensis, harboured the largest number of tick species. in free state province namaqua rock mice, aethomys namaquensis, and four-striped grass mice, rhabdomys pumilio, were good hosts of the immatu ...200516300195
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