
isolation of cryptococcus gattii molecular type vgiii, from corymbia ficifolia detritus in environmental sampling survey was carried out in different areas of bogotá, colombia, to obtain isolates of members of the cryptococcus neoformans/c. gattii species complex from corymbia ficifolia trees. during a 6-month period in 2007, 128 samples consisting of bark, soil around trunk bases, detritus, seeds and flowers were collected from 91 trees and processed according to standard procedures. the molecular type was determined using ura5 restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analy ...201020465517
[association of yeasts of the cryptococcus genus with eucalyptus species in santafé de bogotá].environmental isolation of cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii was first made in australia in 1989 by ellis. he established a specific association with the tree species eucalyptus camaldulensis and e. tereticornis. based on his findings, ellis proposed that the fungus could be exported from australia to others regions, including colombia, by means of infected seeds. the purpose of this study was to isolate and identify cryptococcus sp., associated with eucalyptus trees; this is the first ecologi ...19947997787
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