
[characteristics related to std/hiv in men working in mexico city bars where female prostitution takes place].this research work intended to describe the characteristics and the seroprevalence of some sexually transmitted diseases (std), in men working in bars where female commercial sex takes place.19958600553
hepatitis b markers in men seeking human immunodeficiency virus antibody testing in mexico estimate the prevalence and associated risk factors of hepatitis b virus (hbv) serologic markers in 1,377 men with high-risk sexual behavior attending a center for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) detection in mexico city.19979101632
low prevalences of hiv infection and sexually transmitted disease among female commercial sex workers in mexico city.this study tried to determine human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)/sexually transmitted disease (std) prevalences among female commercial sex workers in mexico city.19979224186
risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among female commercial sex workers in mexico city.a scarce number of studies have been carried out to determine the epidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection in female sex workers (fsws). the objective of this study was to examine the correlates of infection for hsv-2 with socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and history of sexually transmitted diseases (stds) among fsws in mexico city. a sample frame of commercial sex work sites was constructed during the fall of 1992. sites identified were street ...199910215115
high prevalence of antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2 among middle-aged women in mexico city, mexico: a population-based study.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is among the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases worldwide. in mexico there is a lack of population-based hsv-2 surveys.200111354265
[seroprevalence of type 2 herpes simplex virus infection in 3 population groups of mexico city].to determine the seroprevalence of type 2 herpes simplex virus (hsv-2) infection and risk factors in three female population groups in mexico city.200314974271
[prevalence and factors associated with syphilis and genital herpes in 2 groups of the female population].to assess the frequency of hsv-2 and treponema pallidum markers and their relationship with characteristics of women during gynecological outpatient visits.200314974272
[heterogeneity in the expression of female sexual commerce in mexico city].to evaluate the relationships among the socio-economic, demographic, and sexual behavior characteristics of commercial sexual workers (csw) and their work site.200717388032
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