
incidence of herpes genitalis in northern ireland in 1973-83 and herpes simplex types 1 and 2 isolated in 1982-4.during 1973 - 83 there was a pronounced rise in the number of new cases of herpes genitalis in northern ireland. this study of 127 patients with herpes genitalis shows that 30% had herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv 1) and 70% had herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv 2) infections. of 41 sexual contacts who attended, only seven had herpes genitalis (caused in each case by hsv 2); another patient had a history of genital lesions, and one other of oral lesions, but hsv was not isolated from either patie ...19863949348
emergence of herpes simplex type 1 as the main cause of recurrent genital ulcerative disease in women in northern ireland.genital herpes is a common infection affecting some 20% of sexually active people. although herpes simplex virus (hsv) types 1 and 2 can both establish genital latency, reactivation from the sacral ganglia favours hsv-2. over the past decade the incidence of type 1 genital infection in women has greatly increased.200312727525
national survey of diagnostic services for genital investigate the provision of diagnostic services for genital herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection in the united kingdom.200516061538
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