
taenia solium: the complex interactions, of biological, social, geographical and commercial factors, involved in the transmission dynamics of pig cysticercosis in highly endemic areas.if a programme for the control of pig cysticercosis is to be effective it has to be based on good data on the local epidemiology of taenia solium. in 2002-2003, in a cross-sectional study of pig cysticercosis in the mexican state of morelos, 1747 pigs that had been born and reared in rural areas of the state were checked for t. solium infection by tongue inspection. the prevalence of cysticercosis in the pigs was found to vary from 0% to 30% according to the municipality from which the pigs came ...200616492360
development and evaluation of a health education intervention against taenia solium in a rural community in mexico.a comprehensive study was undertaken in a rural community in the state of morelos, mexico to evaluate health education as an intervention measure against taenia solium. an educational program was developed to promote recognition and knowledge of the transmission of the parasite and to improve hygienic behavior and sanitary conditions that foster transmission. the effects of educational intervention were evaluated by measuring changes in knowledge and practices and prevalence of human taeniasis a ...19979080868
prevalence and risk factors for taenia solium taeniasis and cysticercosis in humans and pigs in a village in morelos, a mexican village in which taenia solium infection was known to be endemic, we selected a cluster sample of 368 households (21% of the total) for demographic, environmental, and diagnostic surveys, and medical histories for taeniasis and cysticercosis. coproparasitologic studies of 1,531 participants revealed infection by taenia sp. in four (0.3%) individuals; however, 5.8% of the respondents reported a history of having passed tapeworm proglottids in feces. of 1,552 human serum specimens, 10 ...19921621892
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