
taeniasis/cysticercosis in a tibetan population in sichuan province, china.the results of a preliminary survey of taeniasis/cysticercosis in yajiang county, ganze tibetan prefecture in southwest sichuan province, china, indicated a very high prevalence of taeniasis (22.5%), with taenia saginata as the dominant species. there was also a significant occurrence of late-onset epilepsy (8.5% prevalence and 16.4% seropositive for taenia solium antibodies) attributable in large part to probable neurocysticercosis caused by t. solium. the poor sanitation and hygiene in this ti ...200617166477
a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for a differential identification of taenia tapeworms from human: application to a field this study, we applied a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for identification of human taenia tapeworms in tibetan communities in sichuan, china. out of 51 proglottids recovered from 35 carriers, 9, 1, and 41 samples were identified as taenia solium, taenia asiatica and taenia saginata, respectively. same results were obtained afterwards in the laboratory, except one sample. these results demonstrated that the lamp method enabled rapid identification of parasites in the field surv ...201222698671
detection of human taeniases in tibetan endemic areas, china.detection of taeniasis carriers of taenia solium is essential for control of cysticercosis in humans and pigs. in the current study, we assessed the positive detection rate of a self-detection tool, stool microscopy with direct smear and copropcr for taeniasis carriers in endemic tibetan areas of northwest sichuan. the self-detection tool through questioning about a history of proglottid expulsion within the previous one year showed an overall positive detection rate of more than 80% for taenia ...201323866973
advances in diagnosis and spatial analysis of cysticercosis and taeniasis.human cysticercosis, caused by accidental ingestion of eggs of taenia solium, is one of the most pathogenic helminthiases and is listed among the 17 who neglected tropical diseases. controlling the life-cycle of t. solium between humans and pigs is essential for eradication of cysticercosis. one difficulty for the accurate detection and identification of t. solium species is the possible co-existence of two other human taenia tapeworms (t. saginata and t. asiatica, which do not cause cysticercos ...201323985371
mini review on chemotherapy of taeniasis and cysticercosis due to taenia solium in asia, and a case report with 20 tapeworms in china.a 43-year-old tibetan woman living in northwest sichuan, china, confirmed to be a taeniasis carrier of taenia solium was treated with pumpkin seeds combined with areca nut extract in october 2009. all 20 tapeworms except one without scolex were expelled under good conditions. she was free of secondary cysticercosis within one year follow up. although the first choice for treatment of taeniasis is still praziquantel, it may often cause serious side effect on asymptomatic cysticercosis cases to su ...201323959481
development of an immunodiagnosis method using recombinant pscp for detection of paragonimus skrjabini infection in human.paragonimiasis skrjabini is a kind of zoonosis and prevalent in 16 provinces in china, such as chongqing, fujian, sichuan, and yunnan. however, sensitive and efficient diagnostic methods for the infection are limited. in order to provide a more convenient and simple method for serologic diagnosis, the recombinant p. skrjabini cysteine protease (pscp) was expressed, purified, and then used to develop an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detecting anti-pscp antibodies in human ...201727796563
control of echinococcosis and cysticercosis: a public health challenge to international cooperation in china.echinococcosis, both cystic and alveolar, and taenia solium cysticercosis are the most serious zoonotic cestodoses worldwide. because of the emerging importance of these diseases in china, several international workshops and meetings were held in this country from 1998 to 2001. based on round table discussions in chengdu 2000, the proposal of a strategy to control echinococcosis and cysticercosis has been prepared in china. it includes a comprehensive approach based on a careful analysis of the ...200312711098
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