
igg antibody to giardia lamblia detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a sensitive, reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using unfixed, intact giardia lamblia trophozoites as antigen is described. employing this assay, we demonstrated that 81% of 59 symptomatic giardiasis patients and 12% of 17 uninfected control subjects had circulating igg antibodies to g. lamblia. eleven out of 15 patients tested serially had detectable antibody from 2 wk to 15 mo after therapy for acute infection. the prevalence of antibody in 197 unselected individuals in the washing ...19817014351
parasitic disease control in a residential facility for the mentally retarded: failure of selected isolation procedures.asymptomatic infection with either entamoeba histolytica or giardia lamblia was found in 60 per cent of the residents in an institution for the mentally retarded one year after eradication of these parasites. the residents were then segregated into infected and noninfected groups and drug therapy was again successfully undertaken. the two groups remained separated except during periods of play. a one-year follow-up showed that both study and control groups were equally infected. the failure of s ...19817468867
seasonal prevalence of intestinal parasites in the united states during of 5,792 fecal specimens from 2,896 patients in 48 states and the district of columbia tested positive for intestinal parasites during the year 2000. multiple infections with 2-4 parasitic species constituted 10% of 916 infected cases. blastocystis hominis infected 662 patients (23% or 72% of the 916 cases). its prevalence appears to be increasing in recent years. eighteen other species of intestinal parasites were identified. cryptosporidium parvum and entamoeba histolytica/e. dispar ...200212224595
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