health impact evaluation of wastewater use in mexico. | wastewater from mexico city is used to irrigate over 85 000 hectares, mainly of fodder and cereal crops in the mezquital valley. a cross-sectional study method is being used to test the impact of exposure to raw wastewater and wastewater from storage reservoirs on diarrhoeal disease and parasitic infections in farmworkers and their families. the study population in the rainy season survey included 1 900 households: 680 households where the farmworker is exposed to untreated wastewater (exposed g ... | 1991 | 1844273 |
hospital-acquired diarrhea in adults: a prospective case-controlled study in mexico. | to know the incidence, etiology, risk factors, morbidity, and mortality of nosocomial diarrhea in adults. | 1991 | 1906497 |
[a survey of the current status of the differential diagnosis of amoebas in mexico]. | the differential diagnostic criteria for the amebas parasitizing the human colon are described. the results of epidemiological studies carried out published in mexico are discussed and the results of a survey performed in some hospitals in mexico city on the current differential diagnosis of these parasites are reported. the findings showed that no carriers of e. hartmanni have been reported in the studies published in mexico so far. however, no differentiation between e. histolytica and e. hart ... | 1990 | 2089634 |
[invasive amebiasis as a public health problem]. | amebiasis, an infection of humans with the protozoan entamoeba histolytica, has a wide distribution in mexico. the lumenal, asymptomatic infection, as measured by the presence of cysts in stools has been recorded from 2.4% at ometepec, guerrero to over 55% at mixquic, d.f., but only a small percentage of those having intestinal infection will develop invasive amebiasis, the main clinical forms being dysentery and liver abscess. in mexico city, from 0.8 up to 14% of cases of acute diarrhoea in ch ... | 1989 | 2713060 |
pathogenic and free-living protozoa cultured from the nasopharyngeal and oral regions of dental patients: ii. | protozoa of the nose, mouth, and pharynx of 30 randomly chosen male caries patients at an odontological clinic of the national autonomous university of mexico, in mexico city, were surveyed by culture from swabs. culture tubes from swabs were observed every other day for 5 weeks. pathogens found included entamoeba histolytica, naegleria fowleri, acanthamoeba castellanii, a. culbertsoni, a. polyphaga, and giardia lamblia. such isolations of pathogens suggest that patients may be healthy carriers ... | 1986 | 3956463 |
[serologic survey in children of mexico city. vii. study of antibodies against entamoeba histolytica]. | | 1972 | 4349098 |
the epidemiology of entamoeba histolytica in mexico city. a pilot survey i. | stocks of intestinal amoebae isolated from hospital patients in mexico city and grown in monoxenic culture were compared among themselves and with those already described (sargeaunt & williams, 1979), using the electrophoretic patterns of four enzymes: glucose phosphate isomerase (gpi), phosphoglucomutase (pgm), l-malate:nadp+ oxido-reductase (oxalacetate-decarboxylating) (me) and hexokinase (hk). new isoenzyme groups (sargeaunt & williams, 1979) of all the amoebae, including entamoeba histolyti ... | 1980 | 6259779 |
the epidemiology of entamoeba histolytica in a rural and an urban area of mexico. a pilot survey ii. | stocks of intestinal amoebae grown in monoxenic culture, were compared against each other and against those previously reported from mexico city. these were isolated from subjects in san cristobal de las casas, chiapas (rural area) and hospital patients in merida, yucatan (urban area). electrophoretic patterns of the four enzymes: glucose phosphate isomerase (gpi), phosphoglucomutase (pgm), l-malate: nadp+ oxido-reductase (oxalacetate-decarboxylating) (me) and hexokinase (hk) demonstrated the pr ... | 1982 | 6285556 |
[epidemiologic setting of the agricultural use of sewage: valle del mezquital, mexico]. | wastewater from mexico city is used to irrigate over 85,000 hectares mainly of fodder and cereal crops in the mezquital valley. a cross-sectional study method is being used to test the impact of exposure to raw wastewater and wastewater from storage reservoirs on diarrheal disease and parasitic infections in farmworkers and their families. the study population in the rainy season survey included 1,900 households: 680 households where the farmworker is exposed to untreated wastewater (exposed gro ... | 1994 | 8042068 |
seroepidemiology of amebiasis in mexico. | the presence of serum antibodies to entamoeba histolytica was detected by indirect hemagglutination in a representative sample of the 32 federal entities of the mexican republic. this study was designed to include biologic, geographic, social, economic, and educational variables. the total percentage of positive sera was 8.41%. seroprevalence varied with geographic zones, with the south central, south pacific, and yucatan peninsula areas showing the highest values (> or = 9%), and the north, nor ... | 1994 | 8166347 |
molecular epidemiology of entamoeba spp.: evidence of a bottleneck (demographic sweep) and transcontinental spread of diploid parasites. | entamoeba histolytica causes amebic colitis and liver abscess in developing countries such as mexico and india. entamoeba dispar is morphologically identical but is not associated with disease. here we determined the ploidy of e. histolytica and developed pcr-based methods for distinguishing field isolates of e. histolytica or e. dispar. fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that e. histolytica trophozoites are diploid for five "single-copy" probes tested. intergenic sequences between supero ... | 2000 | 11015408 |
entamoeba histolytica and/or entamoeba dispar: infection frequency in hiv+/aids patients in mexico city. | the objective of this work was to evaluate the frequency of entamoeba histolytica/entamoeba dispar intestinal infection in hiv+/aids subjects and their hiv- close relatives or sexual partners. enteric parasites were investigated in stool samples by microscopic examination and e. histolytica and e. dispar were identified by pcr. we found by microscopic analysis in hiv+/aids group that the e. histolytica/e. dispar complex was present in 5.9% of the members, while in the hiv- group was 2.9%. with p ... | 2005 | 15955334 |
cryptosporidiosis and other intestinal protozoan infections in children less than one year of age in mexico city. | parasitic diseases are very important in mexico because of their economic impact and adverse effects on normal growth in children. cryptosporidiosis has been associated with acute diarrhea in immune competent and incompetent human hosts, fecal contamination of drinking water sources, and handling of animals. due to the lack of reports on cryptosporidiosis in mexico, we conducted a parasitologic study in children with diarrhea and other clinical symptoms. the main objectives were 1) to determine ... | 2006 | 17172373 |
effect of vitamin a and zinc supplementation on gastrointestinal parasitic infections among mexican children. | gastrointestinal parasites continue to be an important cause of morbidity and stunting among children in developing countries. we evaluated the effect of vitamin a and zinc supplementation on infections by giardia lamblia, ascaris lumbricoides, and entamoeba histolytica. | 2007 | 17908741 |
two or more enteropathogens are associated with diarrhoea in mexican children. | diarrhoeal diseases constitute a major public health problem, particularly in the developing world, where the rate of mortality and morbidity is very high. the purpose of this study was to conduct a 2 years and 3 months study in order to determine the prevalence of five enteropathogen diarrheogenic agents in mexico city. | 2007 | 18162140 |