
serologic characterization of entamoeba histolytica asymptomatic carriers from a community of puebla state, mexico. 19979033118
seroprevalence of anti-entamoeba histolytica antibodies by iha and elisa assays in blood donors from puebla, mexico. 200011070221
fascioliasis and intestinal parasitoses affecting schoolchildren in atlixco, puebla state, mexico: epidemiology and treatment with nitazoxanide.the atlixco municipality, puebla state, at a mean altitude of 1840 m, was selected for a study of fasciola hepatica infection in schoolchildren in mexico. this area presents permanent water collections continuously receiving thaw water from popocatepetl volcano (5426 m altitude) through the community supply channels, conforming an epidemiological scenario similar to those known in hyperendemic areas of andean countries.201324278492
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