
efficacy of zymodemes of e. histolytica technique in an epidemiologic study and report of new zymodemes in determine the efficacy of zymodemes of e. histolytica technique in an epidemiologic study. to report the zymodemes for the first time described in mexico. to report the main difficulties in the correct classification of zymodemes in this study. to describe the zymodemes identified in two evaluations done in 100 healthy individuals.19902136486
study of human entamoeba histolytica infection by zymodeme, indirect hemagglutination and electroimmunotransfer blot assays.human amebiasis is a parasitic infection which involves asymptomatic as well as intestinal and extraintestinal symptomatic stages in individuals harbouring entamoeba histolytica. several factors have been proposed to explain the variability in the outcome of the disease. among these are differences in virulence of e. histolytica strains and methods such as zymodeme analysis have been used to differentiate invasive from non invasive strains of this parasite (sargeaunt and williams, 1978). in orde ...19902136487
nitazoxanide for the treatment of intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections in mexico.a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of nitazoxanide as a single agent for the treatment of a broad spectrum of mixed parasitic infections, both protozoa and helminths, was conducted at a primary school in san pedro tolimán, querétaro, mexico. three faecal samples from 1824 adults and children were screened for the presence of oocysts, cysts, trophozoites, eggs or larvae of intestinal protozoa or helminths. two hundred and forty-six adults and children infected with at least one protozoan ...19979580117
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