intestinal protozoa and helminths among terena indians in the state of mato grosso do sul: high prevalence of blastocystis hominis. | a parasitological survey was carried out among terena indians living in the tereré settlement in the municipality of sidrolândia, state of mato grosso do sul, brazil. single samples of feces from 313 indians were processed by means of the spontaneous sedimentation method. in the population studied, 73.5% were infected with at least one intestinal parasite or commensal. protozoa predominated. blastocystis hominis (40.9%), entamoeba coli (33.2%) and entamoeba histolytica/entamoeba dispar (31.6%) w ... | 2007 | 18200414 |
[intestinal parasitism in terena indigenous people of the province of mato grosso do sul, brazil]. | considering that intestinal protozoans and helminths infect more than half of the world population, with high prevalence in the poorest regions, the objective of this study was to conduct parasitological research among indigenous terena people established in the state of matogrosso do sul. an inquiry was performed to find the incidence of parasitism in these communities. | 2015 | 26120856 |