
entamoeba histolytica and other parasitic infections in south kanara district, karnataka.single stool specimens collected from 1,020 apparently healthy people of the south kanara district, were processed for intestinal parasites using three parasitological methods viz. (a) direct smear in physiological saline and d'antoni's iodine, (b) zinc sulfate concentration method and (c) by culture in modified boek and drbolhav medium. of these 781 (76.51 per cent) were found to be infected with parasites. the prevalence of various intestinal parasites was: ascaris lumbricoides (48.33 per cent ...19892559118
viral diarrhoea in a rural coastal region of karnataka india.a total of 106 children below 5 years of age admitted to the kasturba medical college hospital manipal karnataka (south india) were investigated over a period of 6 months to determine the aetiological role of viruses in acute diarrhoea. viral aetiological agents isolated were rotaviruses in 12 (11 per cent) cases, adenoviruses in 3 (3 per cent) cases, coronavirus and astroviruses in two (2 per cent) cases each. non-viral isolates were cryptosporidium and salmonella typhimurium in two cases each, ...19958531264
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