
a profile of diarrhoea in an urban slum area.researchers followed 90 households (445 people) in sunderpur slum in varanasi in upper pradesh, india for 1 year and collected stool samples when people were ill with diarrhea to determine diarrhea incidence and causes of diarrheal disease. the water supply consisted of a well, public tap, or house tap with 30 households in each group. they noted 106 diarrheal episodes for an incidence of around 23%. incidence decreased significantly with age (p.001). for example, it was 62.9% for children 5 ...19902101391
comparison of stool microscopy and serology (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) in epidemiology of amebiasis.stools from 634 individuals from varanasi were examined for entamoeba histolytica (eh). serology was done in these subjects by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) employing filter paper technique. stools were positive for eh in 16.9%, and serology in 15.9%. both the tests were positive in only 5.2%. in 72.4% both the tests were negative. in 11.7% of stool positive cases, serology was negative, and in 10.7% with positive serology stool examination did not reveal eh. a majority (92.5%) of st ...19902307498
a seroepidemiological survey of amoebiasis in lucknow. 19852862724
amoebic liver abscess in eastern uttar pradesh, india. 19734356524
prevalence of intestinal parasites in rural areas of district shahjahanpur, uttar pradesh.a stool survey was carried out in some of the villages of dadraul and bhawal khera phc's of district shahjahanpur (uttar pradesh). out of 381 individuals examined 111 (29.2 per cent) were found positive for one or the other intestinal parasite. ascaris lumbricoides superseded all the parasites by showing a positivity of 17.85 percent. other parasites found were hookworm, hymenolepis nana, tapeworm, trichuris trichiura, enterobius vermicularis, entamoeba histolytica, e. coli and giardia lamblia. ...19947989672
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