
anaemia and intestinal parasitic infections among school age children in behera governorate, egypt. behera survey team.anaemia is considered a serious public health problem in egypt, although updated population-based data are lacking. similarly, data on prevalence and intensity of infection with intestinal parasites, which are considered one possible cause of anaemia, are available only from small, unrepresentative sample surveys. the present research was implemented on an entire governorate representative sample. the aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of anaemia and intestinal parasites in the area a ...19989972072
prevalence of intestinal parasites and its impact on nutritional status among preschool children living in damanhur city, el-behera governorate, egypt.this cross sectional study was done in damanhur city, the capital of el-behera governorate to detect the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among preschool aged children and to find out its effect on their nutritional status. five-hundreds children aged between 2-6 years were enrolled; a detailed questionnaire, complete clinical and anthropometric assessment as well as complete stool analysis and blood picture were done. the study revealed that 51.8% preschool children were infected; c ...201425597166
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