
pathogenicity and antigenic components of excysted giardia lamblia isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia.giardia lamblia cysts were isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia. cysts and trophozoites (from axenically excysted cysts) were given orally by gavage to mice to establish the pathogenicity of the riyadh isolate. there was no effect of varying the dose of administered parasite on parasite excretion or morbidity. a typical pathologic pattern of giardiasis was demonstrated by histologic methods and electron microscopy. antigenic components of the riyadh isolate were compared with the portl ...19911951852
pattern of intestinal parasitic infection in preschool children in riyadh, saudi arabia.a total of 1,167 stool specimens collected from 0.6-6 years old patients attending king abdel aziz university hospital (kauh) in riyadh, were examined for intestinal parasites. of these 243 (20.8%) were positive. giardia lamblia (13.5) and enterobius vermicularis (4.2%), were the commonest parasites found. other parasites present include ascaris lumbricoides, entamoeba histolytica and hymenolepis nana. abdominal pain (38.6%) and diarrhoea (27.6%) were the most common causes of referral presented ...19892809181
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in riyadh district, saudi arabia.a total of 23,516 stool specimens collected from patients attending three medical centres in riyadh, saudi arabia, were examined for intestinal parasites. of these 5737 (24.4%) were positive. entamoeba histolytica (8.8%) and giardia lamblia (6.3%) were the commonest parasites found, and in the age group of one to 15 years. giardia was found in 14.8% of males and 11.9% of females. other intestinal parasites present included ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, schistosoma mansoni, hymeolepi ...19863675035
intestinal parasites infection among immunocompromised patients in riyadh, saudi arabia.this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites among immunocompromised patients in riyadh, saudi arabia. fecal samples were collected from 136 immunocompromised patients (52 females and 84 males), aged 2 to 69 years. specimens were fixed with 10% formalin for 30 min (2-3 g fecal(-1)) and then concentrated by a formalin-ether sedimentation technique. samples were examined as wet saline mounts and in iodine preparation for detection of protozoan oocysts, cysts, helmin ...201020836300
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