
first report of escherichia coli o157 among iraqi children.we determined the prevalence of enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli, especially e. coli o157, and other enteropathogens among 200 children with bloody diarrhoea and 100 age-matched controls at two baghdad hospitals. bacterial and parasitic agents were found in 39.5% and 28.5% of cases, respectively; no pathogen was detected in 32%. e. coli o157 was identified in 11.5% and more than one pathogen was found in 15.5% of cases. the most common pathogens were enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) (5%); e. c ...200315562746
intestinal parasitic diarrhea among children in baghdad--iraq.parasitic diarrhea among children is a significant health problem worldwide. this cross sectional study described the burden of parasitic diarrhea among children. the objectives of this study were to evaluate the impact of risk factors on the parasitic diarrhea, and to determine the parasitic profile among children in baghdad-iraq, during the period extending from september 2003 to june 2004. a total number of 2033 cases were included in the study. the estimated prevalence rate of parasitic diar ...201425382477
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