
a serosurvey of pathogens associated with shellfish: prevalence of antibodies to vibrio species and norwalk virus in the chesapeake bay region.recent concerns regarding the safety of shellfish consumption have focused on the risk posed by naturally occurring marine bacteria such as vibrio species and by viruses such as norwalk and related agents. despite the widespread environmental presence of vibrio species in the chesapeake bay, the rate of reported infections remains low; there have also been no reports of major norwalk outbreaks associated with shellfish in this area. as infections with these agents may not always be recognized be ...19921312771
persistence of cholera in the united states: isolation of vibrio cholerae o1 from a patient with diarrhea in maryland.a case of cholera was identified in baltimore county, md., in october 1984. the vibrio cholerae o1 isolate from the patient was hemolytic, biotype el tor, serotype inaba, and was toxigenic by the y-1 adrenal cell assay; on southern blot analysis, the strain had a unique hindiii restriction site in the cholera toxin gene identical to that of other u.s. v. cholerae o1 isolates. two days before he became ill, the patient had eaten meat from crabs harvested along the texas coast.19863958151
an outbreak of cholera in maryland associated with imported commercial frozen fresh coconut august 1991, the first outbreak of cholera associated with an imported commercial food product occurred among persons attending a private picnic. an epidemiologic investigation showed infection with toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, in 4 of 6 persons who had consumed coconut milk imported from thailand. in addition, the us food and drug administration recovered toxigenic v. cholerae o1, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, from 1 of 6 unopened bags of the same brand (bu ...19938501322
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