
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae o1 strains isolated during cholera outbreaks in the present study, 19 strains of vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor isolated during outbreaks of cholera in guinea-bissau in 1987, 1994, and 1995 were characterized to investigate a possible epidemiological relationship among the isolates. on the basis of ribotyping with the restriction enzyme bgli, 5 strains isolated in 1987 showed two closely related ribotypes, while 14 strains isolated in 1994 and 1995 showed the same ribotype that was distinct from the ribotypes of strains isolated in 1987 ...19968727901
molecular evidence that a distinct vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor strain in calcutta may have spread to the african continent.we present molecular evidence that a distinct genotype of vibrio cholerae o1 which appeared in calcutta, india, in september 1993 and which is characterized by a unique ribotype that is not found in the standardized ribotyping scheme of v. cholerae and that shows a specific pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profile may have spread to the west african country of guinea-bissau where it was responsible for an epidemic of cholera which began in october 1994 and continued into 1996.19989508329
a lime in a litre rapidly kills toxogenic vibrio cholerae o1. 19989803858
first do no harm: making oral rehydration solution safer in a cholera epidemic.oral rehydration solution (ors) is lifesaving therapy for cholera and pediatric diarrhea. during a cholera epidemic in guinea-bissau, we evaluated the microbiologic quality of ors prepared at a hospital and tested a simple intervention using special vessels for disinfecting tap water with bleach and for preparing, storing, and dispensing ors. few coliform bacteria and escherichia coli were recovered from tap water; however, pre-intervention ors contained numerous bacteria including e. coli and t ...199910403342
class 1 integron-borne, multiple-antibiotic resistance encoded by a 150-kilobase conjugative plasmid in epidemic vibrio cholerae o1 strains isolated in the 1996-1997 cholera epidemic in guinea-bissau, surveillance for antimicrobial resistance showed the emergence of a multidrug-resistant strain of vibrio cholerae o1 during the course of the epidemic. the strain was resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, furazolidone, aminoglycosides, trimethoprim, and sulfamethoxazole. concomitant with the emergence of this strain, we observed a resurgence in the number of registered cholera cases as well as an increase in the case fatality rat ...200011015401
field evaluation of crystal vc rapid dipstick test for cholera during a cholera outbreak in evaluate performance characteristics and ease of use of the new commercially available crystal vc rapid dipstick (vc) test (span diagnostics, india) for vibrio cholerae o1 and o139.200919624473
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