
nontoxigenic vibrio cholerae 01 serotype inaba biotype el tor associated with a cluster of cases of cholera in southern india.thirteen strains of vibrio cholerae 01 belonging to the inaba serotype el tor biotype isolated from patients during an outbreak of cholera in the town of warangal in southern india were found to be nontoxigenic (nt), since they did not produce cholera toxin or hybridize with dna probes specific for cholera toxin, zot, or ace. the unheated and heated culture supernatants of the nt v. cholerae 01 evoked a rapid cell-rounding effect when introduced on confluent layers of cho and hela cells which co ...19968727886
clonal analysis of non-toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 associated with an outbreak of cholera.we examined the clonal relationships among eight clinical isolates of non-toxigenic (nt) v. cholerae o1 associated with a cluster of cases of cholera in warangal, andhra pradesh in south india and compared their relatedness to toxigenic o1 strains of classical and e1tor biotypes and with o139 bengal strains of v. cholerae by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge). phylogentic analysis of the noti restriction fragment length polymorphism showed that all the nt. v. cholerae o1 strains formed a ti ...199910491912
molecular characterization reveals involvement of altered el tor biotype vibrio cholerae o1 strains in cholera outbreak at hyderabad, india.thirty-four vibrio cholerae isolates collected from a cholera outbreak in hyderabad, south india were found to belong to serogroup ol biotype el tor serotype ogawa. the genotype of all the isolates was confirmed by pcr assays. all the isolates were found pcr positive for ctxab, ompw, rflol, rtxc, and tcpa genes. all the isolates but one harboured rstr ( el tor ) allele. however, one isolate carried both rstr ( el tor ) as well as rstr ( classical ) alleles. cholera toxin (ctxb) genotyping of the ...201121538250
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