
[g1 mumps virus outbreak in the province of almeria in 2005].despite high levels of triple mmr vaccinations being recorded on spain, epidemic mumps outbreaks are still being reported. this study is aimed at describing an outbreak reported in the province of almeria in 2005 and of evaluating the degree to which the vaccinated population was affected.200718347744
[toscana virus, west nile virus and lymphochoriomeningitis virus as causing agents of aseptic meningitis in spain].cases of aseptic meningitis (am) are mostly due to enterovirus (ev), herpesvirus, and mumps virus (mv). an important number of cases remains without an etiologic diagnosis.200919375119
seroepidemiology of measles, mumps and rubella virus infections in normal children and adults in southern granada, spain: response to a vaccination programme.a seroepidemiological study of measles, mumps and rubella virus infection in normal children and adults in southern granada, spain, and the response to a vaccination programme was carried out. protection from the mumps and rubella virus was reduced in the group of 3 to 7 year-old children vaccinated at age 15 months indicating the need for revaccination against rubella as well as the mumps virus.19969141711
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