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resurgence of mumps in singapore caused by the rubini mumps virus vaccine strain.the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine containing the highly attenuated rubini mumps virus strain conferred no protection against acute parotitis in vaccinated children in singapore. its introduction into the national childhood immunisation programme has resulted in a reduction in the seroprevalence of mumps to prevaccination levels.199910533868
hemagglutinin-neuraminidase sequence and phylogenetic analyses of mumps virus isolates from a vaccinated population in singapore.during 1999-2000, a sustained mumps outbreak in the highly vaccinated population in singapore was attributed to vaccine failure associated with the rubini vaccine strain. to explain this phenomenon, the complete nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (hn) gene of eight mumps virus isolates from patients with parotitis in singapore were determined and compared with those of known vaccine strains. phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of hn nucleotide and amin ...200312696120
comparative efficacy of rubini, jeryl-lynn and urabe mumps vaccine in an asian population.the comparative efficacy of the three mumps vaccine strains (jeryl-lynn, urabe and rubini) was conducted in an asian population from data arising from an epidemiological investigation of seven institutional outbreaks of mumps in singapore.200416291282
safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the live attenuated combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine containing the rit 4385 mumps strain in healthy singaporean children.measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) are viral infections causing significant mortality and morbidity for which effective and safe vaccines are available. the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a combined mmr vaccine when administered to healthy singaporean children were evaluated in this study.200718185875
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