
leishmaniasis in brazil: xvii. enzymic characterization of a leishmania from the armadillo, dasypus novemcinctus (edentata), from pará state.a comparison of enzyme profiles, by starch-gel electrophoresis, has distinguished a leishmania of armadillos (dasypus novemcinctus), from pará state, north brazil, from leishmania braziliensis braziliensis, l. braziliensis guyanensis, l. mexicana amazonensis, l. donovani sensu lato (from bahia, brazil), and l. hertigi deanei. the parasite was separated from l. b. braziliensis and l. b. guyanensis by 8 of the 14 enzymes used (asat, alat, pgm, gpi, g6pd, pep, mpi and gd), although differences in t ...19827164148
leishmaniasis in brazil. xxiv. natural flagellate infections of sandflies (diptera: psychodidae) in pará state, with particular reference to the rôle of psychodopygus wellcomei as the vector of leishmania braziliensis braziliensis in the serra dos carajás.between july 1983 and december 1984 natural flagellate infections were found in 114 (1%) of 11,586 female phlebotomine sandflies (diptera: psychodidae) of 21 species. a further 1084 females of 17 other species were not infected. identification of the organisms on a number of occasions confirms the exclusive parasite/vector relationship of leishmania mexicana amazonensis/lutzomyia flaviscutellata and le. braziliensis braziliensis/psychodopygus "wellcomei". undescribed or unidentified leishmania s ...19873686628
leishmaniasis in brazil: xxiii. the identification of leishmania braziliensis braziliensis in wild-caught neotropical sandflies using monoclonal antibodies.using the indirect immunofluorescence test natural flagellate infections of wild-caught sandflies, from the serra dos carajás region of pará state, brazil, were identified by sequentially staining smears made from the infected flies with monoclonal antibodies. with normal methods of isolation 30% of the infections were identifiable, but when monoclonal antibodies specific to leishmania braziliensis braziliensis were used a further 26% were identified. the staining of organisms in smears of natur ...19873445325
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