
[incidence of trichomonas vaginalis infection among girls from the lódź population in the last 25-year period].19,024 girls (aged: from 0 to 18) attending the pediatric gynaecology outpatient department and the center for treatment of parasitic and mycotic diseases were examined. the diagnosis of infection with t. vaginalis was based on preparations using various methods and cultures on specific media, from vaginal content and urine. it was found that the frequency of t. vaginalis invasions in girls had lessened 2-6 times in different groups from 1960 till 1985 and the higher percent of t. vaginalis in g ...19902131692
[prevalence of trichomonas vaginalis donné in women of lódź population in 1955-1999 years].search for trichomonas vaginalis was carried out in direct (in 0.85% nacl and 0.1% safranine) and fixed stained microscopical preparations ( wright or giemsa methods, after fixation with 70% methyl alcohol) and cultures ( pavlova, johanson-trussel-john, roiron-ratner, simic media), from materials of the vagina, urethra and cervix uteri. in the years 1955-1999 a total of about 12000 women were examined. the prevalence of t. vaginalis in women population of lódź region was high (from 26.6% still 7 ...200116897945
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