
prevalence of trichomonas vaginalis in prostitutes in turkey.prostitutes are an important group for the transmission of a number of sexually transmitted diseases (std) all over the world. infection with t. vaginalis is one of the most common. in this study, the incidence and diagnostic procedures for trichomonas vaginalis infection as one of the sexually transmitted diseases (std's) have been studied. in legal prostitutes in ankara, turkey, 64 (25%) of 225 vaginal wet smears were positive for t. vaginalis. there was no significant difference between the d ...19968996719
intrauterine devices (iuds) and their complications (clinical evaluation of 2013 women with iud in-situ).iud related events were evaluated at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, hacettepe university in ankara, turkey. the study population included 2213 fertile, healthy women who had an iud in situ. the age range was 17-48 years. all iuds were lippes loop, size c and d, and they were inserted by an experienced physician and nurse on the 5th day of menstruation. the follow-up time was 1 year in 2013 women with iuds. there was no follow-up on 200 women who were excluded from the study. ...198212267258
[investigation of trichomonas vaginalis in patients with nonspecific vaginal discharge].trichomoniasis, a protozoan infection, has a worldwide distribution and is the most common nonviral, sexually transmitted disease. in this study, we examined the vaginal swab samples of 114 patients who presented at the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic in ankara in 2004, for the presence of trichomonas vaginalis (t. vaginalis) using direct microscopy and culture methods. the samples were taken from patients with nonspecific vaginal discharge during their gynecological examination. twe ...200617106848
[frequency of curable sexually transmitted infections among registered female sex-workers in ankara city].sex-workers are considered as the high-risk population for sexually transmitted infections (stis). early diagnosis and treatment of curable stis in this high-risk group have crucial importance in sti control and prevention of complications and transmission of infection. in this study, 146 registered female sex-workers in ankara city were screened with rapid diagnostic tests (rdt) for causative agents of curable stis such as, neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis, trichomonas vaginalis and ...201020455407
to determine of the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, candida sp, mixed infections (bacterial vaginosis + candida sp), trichomonas vaginalis, actinomyces sp in turkish women from ankara, determine of the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, candida sp, mixed infections (bacterial vaginosis + candida sp), trichomonas vaginalis, actinomyces sp in ankara, turkey and analyze whether there is seasonal variation in these infectious agents.201223383559
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