incidence of trichomonas vaginalis among women having vaginal discharge, in manisa, turkey. | trichomoniasis characterise with a foamy yellowish odorous discharge, is an infection that causes superficial defects and necrotic ulcers in mucosa, and is spreadable with sexual contact. in t. vaginalis infection, the diagnosis can be made after the examination of saline wet mount preparations, stained smears preparation and cultivation of the vaginal discharge, the urine and the materials obtained from prostate secretion in males. in the present study, vaginal discharge samples obtained from 2 ... | 1997 | 9425833 |
intrauterine devices (iuds) and their complications (clinical evaluation of 2013 women with iud in-situ). | iud related events were evaluated at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, hacettepe university in ankara, turkey. the study population included 2213 fertile, healthy women who had an iud in situ. the age range was 17-48 years. all iuds were lippes loop, size c and d, and they were inserted by an experienced physician and nurse on the 5th day of menstruation. the follow-up time was 1 year in 2013 women with iuds. there was no follow-up on 200 women who were excluded from the study. ... | 1982 | 12267258 |