
[boutonneuse fever in clinical practice].boutonneuse fever has become endemic in some parts of sicily and the italian mainland over the last five years. an account is given of the features assisting its clinical recognition and serological verification. the main nosographical aspects of the disease are described. the conditions required for certain, probable and presumed diagnosis are stated, stress being laid on the prime importance of timely clinical assessment, and the possibility of serological ascertainment when the disease is wan ...19817254647
the acute phase response in sicilian patients with boutonneuse fever admitted to hospitals in palermo, study the modifications of some components of the acute phase response (apr) in sicilian patients with boutonneuse fever (bf) caused by rickettsia conorii.200111243751
[ticks and the pediatrician].the match between ticks and pediatricians in italy is usually a seasonal event related to the spring and summer trips and to the increasing of outdoor activity that sun and warm weather allow, both for children and ticks. so cared parents reach emergencies asking for tick removal but more often after the tick has yet been removed by empirical manoeuvres and after the killing and the destruction of the "enemy". we have scheduled, in the years 2002-2003, the 167 children that reached our unit for ...200415305698
presence of rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis, the causative agent of israeli spotted fever, in sicily, italy, ascertained in a retrospective study.a retrospective analysis by molecular-sequence-based techniques was performed to correctly identify the etiological agent of 24 mediterranean spotted fever cases occurring in western sicily, italy, from 1987 to 2001. restriction analysis of a 632-bp pcr-amplified portion of the ompa gene allowed presumptive identification of five clinical isolates as belonging to rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis, the etiological agent of israeli spotted fever (isf). the remaining 19 rickettsial isolates wer ...200516333093
febrile illness associated with rickettsia conorii infection in dogs from sicily.we report serologic and molecular evidence of acute, febrile illness associated with rickettsia conorii in 3 male yorkshire terriers from sicily (italy).200617326960
[mediterranean spotted fever in paediatric and adult patients: two clinical aspects of the same disease].mediterranean spotted fever is an acute febrile disease caused by rickettsia conorii and transmitted to humans by the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus. nearly 400 cases are reported every year in sicily, mainly from june to september. the aim of this study is to compare the clinical and laboratory features of two different groups of patients , one of adults and one of children. the analysis included all adult patients with msf diagnosed at the institute of infectious diseases, paolo giacc ...201122212164
israeli spotted fever in sicily. description of two cases and minireview.mediterranean spotted fever (msf) is endemic in italy, where rickettsia conorii subsp. conorii was thought to be the only pathogenic rickettsia and rhipicephalus sanguineus the vector and main reservoir. r. conorii subsp. israelensis, which belongs to the r. conorii complex, is the agent of israeli spotted fever (isf); apart from israel, it has also been found in italy (sicily and sardinia) and in different regions of portugal. we describe here two severe cases of isf which occurred in otherwise ...201728408252
dog tick-borne diseases in sicily many tick borne diseases are endemic, in particular way those that see like main carrier ticks that prefer, for their vital cycle, climatic conditions characterized by high temperatures and a warmth-humid atmosphere. the more important pathologies transmitted by ticks causing diseases in dogs are babesiosis and ehrlichiosis. borrelia burgdorferi, anaplasma phagocytophilum, rickettsia conorii, coxiella burnetii and tick transmitted encephalitis virus assume particular relevance because ...200616881419
epidemiology and clinical features of mediterranean spotted fever in italy.mediterranean spotted fever is caused by rickettsia conorii and is transmitted to humans by rhipicephalus sanguineus, the common dog tick. it is characterized by the symptomatologic triad: fever, exanthema and "tache noire", the typical eschar at the site of the tick bite. in italy the most affected region is sicily. the seasonal peak of the disease (from june through september) occurs during maximal activity of immature stage ticks. severe forms of the disease have been reported in 6% of patien ...200616881414
[fever and exanthema after trip to the mediterranean area--mediterranean spotted fever (boutonneuse fever)].in connection with a period of residence in the mediterranean basin (portugal, spain, sicily) one woman and two men (age: 28, 31 and 40 years) got sick with fever in august and in the midst of october. in addition, they complained about headache in two cases and myalgias, arthralgia and vomiting in one case, respectively. two of the vacationers (cases 2 and 3) had been accompanied by their dogs. one of them (case 2) was bitten of a tick. the woman (case 3) removed few days after vacation-beginni ...200111381635
demonstration of spotted fever group rickettsiae in the tache noire of a healthy person in sicily.a human case of rickettsial infection occurred in sicily following tick bite. the patient did not have fever, the typical nodular rash, or other symptoms of illness other than development of a tache noire containing spotted fever group rickettsiae, which were demonstrated by immunofluorescence. a high titer of antibodies of the igg class suggests that the patient may have had previous exposure to rickettsia conorii or a related spotted fever group rickettsia. an anamnestic response may be hypoth ...19846375408
a sero-epidemiological survey of asymptomatic cases of boutonneuse fever in western sicily.963 sera from contacts, persons from various localities, and blood donors were examined with a commercially produced kit for micro-immunofluorescence for the presence of antibodies to rickettsia conorii. 10.6% of sera were serologically positive. the higher rates of positivity were observed in sera of contacts (19%) and persons from mussomeli (20%) and ustica (18.4%), the lower rates in blood donors from palermo (3.5%). these results support the view that there is an occupational risk factor rel ...19846369650
epidemiology of boutonneuse fever in western sicily. distribution and prevalence of spotted fever group rickettsial infection in dog ticks (rhipicephalus sanguineus).the distribution and prevalence of spotted fever group rickettsial infection in the ixodid dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus were found to occur at a rate of 19.7% with variation related to geographic and sociooccupational factors. a higher rate of infection was demonstrated in ticks removed from dogs associated with documented cases of boutonneuse fever. the results fit into available clinical and seroepidemiologic data on rickettsia conorii infection in western sicily.19863513550
a retrospective study of the characterization of rickettsia species in ticks collected from humans.rickettsiae (family rickettsiaceae, order rickettsiales) are obligate intracellular bacteria transmitted by arthropod vectors. several rickettsia species causing vector-borne rickettsioses belong to the spotted fever group (sfg). traditionally, rickettsia conorii has been considered as the main etiologic agent of mediterranean spotted fever. however, the molecular characterization of rickettsiae allowed identifying other species involved in spotted fever in the mediterranean region. in this stud ...201728457821
detection of leishmania infantum, babesia canis, and rickettsiae in ticks removed from dogs living in italy.the aims of this study were to determine natural infections by anaplasma phagocytophilum/anaplasma platys, bartonella henselae, ehrlichia canis, leishmania infantum, rickettsia spp., babesia spp., and hepatozoon spp. by molecular methods in ticks (n=91) removed from dogs with clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities compatible with tick-borne diseases (n=22) living in italy and to assess the distribution and species of ticks encountered. ticks from dogs living in southern italy were all ident ...201223182545
rickettsia conorii indian tick typhus strain and r. slovaca in humans, sicily. 022608066
molecular survey of rickettsia spp. in sick dogs in italy.the aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence of rickettsia spp. dna in the blood of sick dogs from italy. canine blood samples (n=650) submitted for molecular testing of rickettsia spp. to a diagnostic laboratory from february 2003 to march 2006 were studied. the rickettsia spp. dna detection was performed by light cycler real-time pcr using hybridization probes separately conducted with specific primers and probes. the total percentage of rickettsia spp.-positive dog sa ...200818631232
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