
mediterranean spotted fever in portugal: risk factors for fatal outcome in 105 hospitalized patients.mediterranean spotted fever (msf) is the most important tick-borne disease in portugal. it is a notifiable disease and during 1989-2000 the annual incidence rate in portugal was 9.8/10(5) inhabitants. although recognized as a benign acute disease and treated mainly with ambulatory procedures, some cases are severe and fatalities have increased in the last few years. in 1997, msf mortality became more evident in beja, a portuguese southern district, with a case fatality rate of 32.3% in hospitali ...200312860641
[epidemiologic features of mediterranean spotted fever in portugal].mediterranean spotted fever (msf) is a tick-borne rickettsial disease. it is endemic in portugal and ricardo jorge recognized it in 1930. rhipicephalus sanguineus is the main vector and reservoir of the disease. in portugal the etiologic agents are two strains of rickettsia conorii complex: r. conorii malish and "israeli tick typhus". msf is clinically characterized by a vasculitis process with the classical clinical triad of fever, rash, and lesion at the site of tick bite. although the majorit ...200315631855
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