
demographic and parasitic infection status of schoolchildren and sanitary conditions of schools in sanliurfa, turkey.the design and development of school health programmes will require information at demographic characteristics of schoolchildren and the major health burdens of the school-age group, the opportunities for intervention and the appropriateness of the available infrastructure. this study aims to analyse demographic and parasitic infections status of schoolchildren and sanitary conditions of schools in sanliurfa province of south-eastern turkey.200312952553
anthropometric status, anaemia and intestinal helminthic infections in shantytown and apartment schoolchildren in the sanliurfa province of study anthropometric status, anaemia and intestinal helminthic infections of schoolchildren living in better and worse socio-economic and environmental conditions in the sanliurfa province of turkey.200415220948
comparison of two methods (microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) for the diagnosis of amebiasis.diagnosis of amebiasis is usually performed on a clinical basis alone in most endemic countries having limited economic resources. this epidemiological study was conducted using modern diagnostic tests for amebiasis in the southeastern region of turkey, an endemic area for amebiasis. the population of this study included patients with symptomatic diarrhea/dysentery attending both yuzuncu yil university, van and harran university, sanliurfa, turkey. a total of 380 stool specimens were collected a ...200515955332
the distribution of the intestinal parasitic diseases in the southeast anatolian (gap=seap) region of turkey.the physical alterations put in place by the southeastern anatolia project will undoubtedly provide a remarkable economical growth and a social development in the area. in addition, the influence that formation of dam ponds, enlargement of irrigation areas, change of product and the way of cultivation, urbanization and industrialization will have an impact on the environment. to minimize the adverse effects of this process on human beings, a community health project was completed by the teams pa ...200616521038
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