
ecology, biology and susceptibility of phlebotomus papatasi to leishmania experimental infection in suez governorate.zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (zcl) is endemic in sinai peninsula. the sand fly and reservoirs were investigated in suez g., since new settlements and land reclamation programs are ongoing. the results showed that phlebotomus papatasi reached its highest density in september. the successfully colonized p. papatasi facilitated its biology and competence study. an autogenous trait was proven within p. papatasi population indicating its ability to survive and breed during adverse conditions. the ...200616605106
re-evaluation of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis status in north sinai governorate, egypt.generally speaking, there are at least few endemic zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (zcl) in the sinai and the suez canal governorates. a spotlight survey for new cases of human zcl among out-patients with skin complaints revealed sixteen out of 100 (16%) individuals examined. but, none zcl infection was found among 50 normal individuals. the typing of three human isolates proved to be leishmania major zymodeme london 70. trapping and examination of the rodent reservoirs and sand-fly vector(s) w ...200314708846
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