
isolation and identification of a novel human parechovirus.a cytopathic agent (a308/99) was isolated using vero cells from a stool specimen of a 1-year-old patient with transient paralysis. the agent was approximately 28 nm in diameter with a distinct ultrastructure resembling the virus particle of an enterovirus. it could not be neutralized by antisera against human picornaviruses such as human enterovirus, aichi virus or human parechovirus. the virion contained three capsid proteins with molecular masses of 38, 30.3 and 30 kda. determination of the co ...200414769896
a novel rt-multiplex pcr for detection of aichi virus, human parechovirus, enteroviruses, and human bocavirus among infants and children with acute gastroenteritis.a novel reverse transcription-multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay was developed to detect aichi virus, human parechovirus, enteroviruses, and human bocavirus. a mixture of four pairs of published specific primers, 6261 and 6779, ev22(+) and ev22(-), f1 and r1, 188f and 542r, was used to amplify the viral genomes and specifically generate four different amplicon sizes of 519, 270, 440, and 354 bp for aichi virus, human parechovirus, enteroviruses, and human bocavirus, respectively. a total ...201020691209
four-year study of viruses that cause diarrhea in japanese pediatric outpatients.acute gastroenteritis continues to be a major public health problem worldwide. a wide variety of viruses associated with diarrhea disease is being reported continually. this study investigated the epidemiological situation of viruses that cause diarrhea in japanese pediatric patients. this study enrolled a total of 2,381 fecal specimens collected between 2009 and 2013 from japanese children with acute gastroenteritis. there is currently a 70.4% prevalence of viruses causing diarrhea among these ...201525881021
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