
phylogeographic relationships of ixodes uriae (acari: ixodidae) and their significance to transequatorial dispersal of borrelia garinii.the seabird tick ixodes uriae (acari: ixodidae) has a bi- and circumpolar distribution and is commonly infected with lyme disease borrelia. identical borrelia flagellin gene sequences have been detected in i. uriae from both the northern and southern hemispheres, suggesting a transequatorial transport of borrelia. parsimony analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (its2) and a part of 16s rdna of i. uriae from the northern and southern hemispheres indicated that northern and southern i. uri ...200111833281
transmission differentials for multiple pathogens as inferred from their prevalence in larva, nymph and adult of ixodes ricinus (acari: ixodidae).ixodes ricinus serves as vector for a range of microorganisms capable of causing clinical illness in humans. the microorganisms occur in the same vector populations and are generally affected by the same tick-host interactions. still, the instars have different host preferences which should manifest in different transmission patterns for various microorganisms in the tick populations, i.e., most microorganisms increase in prevalence rate from larvae to nymphs because their reservoirs are among s ...201728255923
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