
presence of pathogenic borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks and rodents in zhejiang, south-east china.a molecular epidemiological survey was conducted to investigate the presence of pathogenic borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) species in the forest areas of zhejiang province, south-east china. a total of 182 ticks of 6 species and 200 rodents of 8 species were collected and individually examined for the presence of b. burgdorferi s.l. dna by nested pcr targeting the 5s-23s rrna intergenic spacer. forty-one ticks of four species, haemaphysalis concinna, haemaphysalis longicornis, rhipicephal ...200818628499
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks from eastern explore the tick distribution and prevalence of borrelia in zhejiang province, we performed a survey in nine sites. a total of 447 adult ticks of 11 species were captured and the dominant tick species were haemaphysalis longicornis and ixodes sinensis and the abundance of tick species in different areas varied significantly. overall, 4.70% of the ticks were polymerase chain reaction (pcr) positive for borrelia. the average pcr positive rates were 5.19% for h. longicornis, 3.45% for amblyomma ...201525548382
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