
human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence in an std clinic in paris: a study of 512 patients.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is thought to be possibly sexually transmitted in some populations, but few data are available on this mode of transmission. goal the goal was to study hhv-8 seroprevalence in patients attending a sexually transmitted disease (std) clinic and to search for predictive factors of hhv-8 seropositivity.200212438907
[kaposi's sarcoma and opportunistic infections in young patients without antecedents liable to involve immunodepression].the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is characterized by the occurrence, in a subject under 60, of kaposi's sarcoma and/or severe opportunistic infection due to deficiency of the normal cell-mediated immune defence mechanism against the causative agents. in a number of patients, aids is preceded by fever, weight loss, profuse sweating, polyadenopathy or diarrhoea. in an epidemiological study conducted by a french multidisciplinary group from march to december, 1982, 25 cases were colle ...19836227886
[aids: "we will win"].an international colloquium on aids held near paris from october 26-28, 1989, unlike the world conference on aids in montreal the year before, was able to find reasons for optimism. significant progress was reported in immunotherapy and in chemotherapy. successful experiments in vaccinating monkeys against the aids virus were reported from the us, france, and zaire. time is needed to prove the efficacy of the vaccines because of the slow development in aids. a vaccine is being tested by jona ...198912342689
human herpes virus-8 and other risk factors for kaposi's sarcoma in kidney transplant recipients. groupe cooperatif de transplantation d' ile de france (gcif).the exact reasons for the high incidence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) after kidney transplantation are still unknown. immunosuppression is classically considered as the main risk factor, but the relative risk contributed by the patient's geographic origin and by human herpes virus (hhv)-8 infection still has to be determined.199910342315
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