
[sequence analysis of integration sites of reticuloendotheliosis virus ltr in fowlpox vaccine virus genomes].by use of genomic dna prepared from 5 fowlpox virus (fpv) vaccines made in china (from shandong, beijing, liaoning, zhejing and shanghai respectively) as the templates, reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) ltr was amplified in pcr with a pair of primers synthesized according to the sequences flanking the integrated rev-5'ltr in fpv genomes published in us and australia. sequence analysis indicated that the rev-5'ltr integration sites in genomes of all 5 chinese pfv vaccine products were identical t ...200617037075
molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the reticuloendotheliosis virus isolated from wild birds in northeast analyze the status of reticuloendotheliosis (re) infection of wild birds in china, 585 samples from wild birds collected in liaoning, jilin and heilongjiang provinces china were investigated and analyzed. the sampled birds represent 3 orders and more than 40 species. virus isolation and pcr amplification showed that some of the wild birds were infected with rev, and 10 rev strains were isolated. the gp90 gene from each of the 10 rev strains was amplified, cloned, and sequenced. sequence analy ...201323845736
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