
psittacosis in a highly endemic area in one locality in italy where the incidence of psittacosis has increased rapidly since 1980, a hospital-based study and a seroepidemiological survey were carried out in order to define the clinical and epidemiological features of psittacosis in that area. registers of the virology unit of the university of ancona, italy, were reviewed and all hospitalized patients with a serological diagnosis of psittacosis were identified. a total of 76 cases were found and studied. a presumptive bird source w ...19873315709
[pulmonitis caused by coxiella burneti and chlamydia psittaci. 2 years of research in marche].this paper point to infections caused by chlamydia psittaci and coxiella burneti in a region of the middle italy (marche) from april 1981 to march 1983. 32 of 686 cases (about 5%) of pneumonia were diagnosed as q fever or ornithosis-psittacosis. the role of the research of these etiologies in routine diagnostic work on acute respiratory infections is underlined.19846534399
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