
[the most frequent infectious causes of abortion in sheep in north bavaria with special reference to chlamydia and salmonella infections].between 1980 and 1987 1153 ovine fetuses and placentas were examined after abortion. in 68.5% of the cases a cause of abortion could be diagnosed as follows: 43.5% chlamydia psittaci var. ovis, 10.7% salmonella abortus ovis, 3.7% coxiella burnetii, 3.3% listeria monocytogenes and 0.4% campylobacter fetus intestinalis. hemolyzing escherichia coli and streptococci, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella enteritidis, corynebacterium pyogenes and other facultative pathogens ...19892503908
a dutch case of atypical pneumonia after culling of h5n1 positive ducks in bavaria was found infected with chlamydophila psittaci. 200718053568
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