
detection of giardia intestinalis assemblages a, b and d in domestic cats from warsaw, poland.giardia intestinalis is a complex species divided into 7 assemblages (a - g). two of them (a and b) are infective for both humans and animals. in cats four assemblages can occur: a, b, d, and f assemblages a and b infect either cats, dogs and humans, assemblage d infects cats and dogs and assemblage f only cats. the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and genotypes of g. intestinalis in cats from warsaw. from november 2006 to march 2007 a hundred sixty samples of stool were col ...201122184934
[prevalence of giardia intestinalis in domestic dogs in warsaw].giardia intestinalis is the most common intestinal protozoan parasite, which infects humans, dogs and other mammals throughout the world. so far eight genotypes of the parasite have been described of which four were found in dogs. assemblages a-i and b infect either dogs or humans. assemblages c and d occur only in dogs. the aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and genotypes of g. intestinalis in domestic dogs of warsaw area.200617432624
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