
[the incidence of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, rotavirus and clostridium perfringens from cases of diarrhea in children, in the region of campinas, sp, brazil].a survey for the detection of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec), rotavirus and enterotoxigenic clostridium perfringens in diarrheic stools of children up to 2 years old was carried out in the region of campinas, sp, brazil. twenty-seven (20.45%) faecal specimens were positive for etec. from these samples 41 strains of etec were isolated from which 40 produced only thermolabile (lt) enterotoxin, as detected by a modified radial immune haemolysis test. among the 183 faecal specimens examined ...19892561801
giardia and cryptosporidium in source waters of são paulo state, brazil.giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium parvum are two protozoan intestinal parasites responsible for many drinking-water-related disease outbreaks in recent years. they are very resistant to conventional water treatment processes, can persist for long times in the environment and are, therefore, of great concern for public health. this work aimed to evaluate the presence of giardia and cryptosporidium in water sources from são paulo state, brazil, as part of the "evaluation of inland waters from sã ...200415318516
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